Spirit week day 3- dress like a holiday character! Tomorrow is the last day and it’s wear your holiday colors day!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Staff dressed as holiday characters
Day 2 of spirit week means it’s jammies day! Wednesday is dress as your favorite holiday character 😉
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
On the first day of spirit week the staff wore ugly holiday sweaters! Tomorrow is pajama/flannel day. Your leadership team will be wearing matching pjs....see you tomorrow!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Holiday fun at ABQCA! Scholars and staff decorating cookies, check out their masterpieces!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Scholars decorating holiday cookies
Congratulations Dr. Roth, ABQCA staff member of the month for November!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Reminder to scholars ABQCA will be closed Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Classes will resume Monday, December 2. You will still have access to your school work during this break! Be safe and enjoy your long holiday weekend! See you Monday!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Thanksgiving treats
The weather outside may be dreary but at ABQCA we are cheery! Don't miss the afternoon session or you'll miss out on fresh popped popcorn! Thank you Ms. Perez and Ms. Burich!
about 5 years ago, Webmaster
Ms. Perez and Ms. Burich